The Golfmanager tee time booking engine can feel like driving a Ferrari to the corner store for some milk. This booking engine has lots of eye appeal and some unique functionality but it may be too much for the typical daily fee golf course in North America. We book an actual tee time and received no confirmations - not certain the booking tech is working properly.
We like the sign-on option with Google and it worked quickly! It was good to see partial tee time booking cancelations as an option.
After we logged in with Google, we were not served options about what specifically would be shared with the golf course. After completing an actual booking at Plantation on Crystal River we were not sent an email with our booking confirmation. Nor did we receive an email confirming our account creation.
Ensuring your booking engine offers a seamless experience for golfers and simplicity for your staff is crucial. With a plethora of features to assess, we've highlighted nearly 20 key aspects here to guide your decision. Imagine booking a flight or hotel—speed, simplicity, and reliability are likely what you seek and your golf course business and golfers will be well served when you provide a tee time booking engine that does the same.
Selecting a booking engine involves evaluating numerous features, nearly 20 of which are crucial. However, if narrowed down, SPEED and ACCURACY emerge as fundamental, encompassing most features. An unexpected yet vital third aspect is SHAREABILITY. Considering the popularity of social sharing and individual prepayments, as facilitated by MemberSports, its importance is set to rise within the next 12-24 months. Golf course operators should prioritize these features, focusing on what enhances their business and meets their needs.
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